Skills, Knowledge & Community

at the

Speed and Scale

of the

Threats to Democracy

Running for School Board and Winning

Course Creator and Instructor

Luisa Santos, Miami-Dade School Board

What You’ll Learn

  • What are School Boards and what do they do?

  • Why do you want to run? And should you?

  • Launching your campaign

    • Website

    • Social Media

    • Merch

  • Fundraising

  • Media Relations

  • Volunteer Engagement

  • GOTV

    • Price: $150

    • Course Length: 4 hours

Content Creation for Democracy

Course Creator and Instructor

Ashwath Narayanan, CEO, Social Currant

What You’ll Learn

  • Overview of the democracy content landscape on different social media platforms

  • Examples of great pro-democracy creators

  • Finding your creator voice

    • Issues you care about

    • Identities you hold

    • Communities you are part of

  • Best practices for generating more engagement with your content

  • Partnering with pro-democracy organizations

    • Price: $200

    • Course Length: 5 hours

Unionizing Your Workplace

Course Creator and Instructor

Larry Williams Jr, Founder, UnionBase

What You’ll Learn

  • Info Session, March 21, 2-3pm EST (More Info & RSVP)

    • Can't make it? Please RSVP, and we'll share the recording with you

  • Understanding the Importance of Union Membership 

  • Navigating the Unionization Process (overview of the process)

  • Know Your Rights: Labor Laws and Protections 

  • Active Participation in Union Activities 

  • Collective Bargaining, Getting Your First Contract

  • FAQ: Most misunderstood things or most asked questions about unionization

    • Price: $100

    • Course Length: 3 hours

Robots for Good!? How to use AI Ethically to Win Elections

Course Creator and Instructor

Jose Cornejo, Training Lead, Quiller

What You’ll Learn

  • What is AI? A quick primer.

    • The transformative potential of AI.

  • Ethics 

    • Ensuring ethical use of AI to protect our democracy 

    • Bias in AI / training data 

  • Evaluating AI tool usage 

    • Practical uses

    • Unintentional harm 

    • Intentional harm 

  • AI Usage Best Practices

    • What is AI good at

    • What is AI not good at 

  • Basics of prompt generation

    • Dos & Don’ts 

    • 5 tips to generate strong prompts 

  • AI in Action: Quiller Demo 

  • Next steps in Your AI Journey

    • Price $200

    • Course Length: 5 hours

You Can Be A Repro Organizer: Transitioning from Electoral Organizing to Issue Organizing

Course Creator and Instructor

Planned Parenthood Action Fund

What You’ll Learn

  • Moving away from an organizing ramp to an organizing cycle to create space for long term organizing

  • Learn how to center your story in your organizing work and how to empower your volunteers to share theirs

  • Overview of the many hats you wear as you move away from specialized electoral organizing towards issue organizing

  • Data maintenance for long term organizing - using VAN to work smarter not harder

  • Best practices on making the most out of the resources given to you when the work never ends

    • Price: TBD

    • Course Length: 6 hours

On-Demand Video Courses Coming Spring 2024!

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