Unionizing Your Workplace

Course Creator and Instructor

Larry Williams Jr, Founder, UnionBase

What You’ll Learn

  • Info Session, March 21, 2-3pm EST (More Info & RSVP)

    • Can't make it? Please RSVP, and we'll share the recording with you.

  • Understanding the Importance of Union Membership 

  • Navigating the Unionization Process (overview of the process)

  • Know Your Rights: Labor Laws and Protections 

  • Active Participation in Union Activities 

  • Collective Bargaining, Getting Your First Contract

  • FAQ: Most misunderstood things or most asked questions about unionization

    • Price: $100

    • Course Length: 3 hours

Unionizing Your Workplace and Other On-Demand Video Courses Coming Spring 2024!

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Organizing our chaotic workplace was overwhelming until I discovered UnionBase. Larry Williams, Jr. personally guided me through the process, giving me invaluable tools and momentum. With Unionbase’s roadmap, I formed a committee, which set us up to build something bigger than ourselves. Thanks to Larry, our hope for better conditions is grounded with measurable data and milestones. I’m incredibly thankful for the guidance and support that UnionBase has had on our team.
— -Tech Worker Currently Organizing Anon.
Organizing a union can seem like a daunting process particularly when there is limited support or resources on offer through the official channels. Larry and the UnionBase team provided encouragement and practical support for our bargaining unit when we encountered unforeseen obstacles on our organizing journey. Larry doesn’t give generic, boilerplate advice; he took the time to understand what we were facing and went the extra mile to outline actionable strategies and lend support. This approach can absolutely make the difference between winning your union fight and spinning your wheels. Larry brings warmth, commitment, and vision to his political work but always with an eye on the end goal of empowering workers and democratizing workplaces.
— -Non Profit Worker Nina K.

Other Upcoming Course Offerings

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Luisa Santos, Miami-Dade School Board

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Ashwath Narayanan, CEO, Social Currant

Robots for Good!? How to use AI Ethically to Win Elections

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Jose Cornejo, Training Lead, Quiller

You Can Be A Repro Organizer

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Planned Parenthood Action Fund